25 February 2010

The Lord Arranges some Conveniences

I've read that coincidence is god's way of remaining anonymous. I like it. I believe it. A vary strange thing happened yesterday morning. I woke up! Really! I had been generally asleep for weeks and weeks and couldn't stay awake for more than a few miutes at a time. But yesterday, I woke up. I got a later start on it today, but I eventually got outof bed and stayed awake all day. This could be a permanent reversal of symptoms which I've experienced for weeks. It might be the result of prayers offered by you good family and friends. But the timeingof this event has been perfect.

Sheryl's foot which has been hurting for for a long time, was finally looked ino by the PA in our ward. Her foot was deadened, 1/4 of the offendng toenail was removed. a spot full of pus was lanced which shot out with a remarkably flat trajectory and hit the arm of the nurse. Sheryl has been in a lot of pain today, has an elaborate bandage, and has to take lots of anti-biotics which caused her to vomit this ev

Aric was going to the gunsmith today and let me ride along. I took Sheryl's 22 LR O/U derringer, because the lower barrel sometimes won't fire. The Smith says it is simply a design flaw, the upper barrel receving the greatest pounding rom the hammer. Some of you may recall early photos of it from a couple of years ago.
Sis. Johnson gave us a f0od order today. The Armells brought us food and milk tonight. This is the Law of Tithing at work.


nanajohanna said...

I'm so pleased that you "woke up," and just in time to take care of Sheryl. And how wonderful that the Armells saw and took care of your needs. You truly have been blessed. Love you!

Autumn said...

Wow! That is so neat you were able to feel better and help Sheryl, Dad. :) HAppy for BOTH of you guys, and I hope you both continue to heal and feel a lot better day by day.
Love to you both. Know Mike and I have you in our continual prayers, always.


clark myers said...

Derringers are often like that and so need selected ammunition - I remember one tha worked just fine with Federal and not with CCI or maybe it was the reverse?

My Favorite Books & Authors

  • Dale Brown
  • Mark Twain
  • Charles Dickens
  • Speeches both Historical and Hysterical
  • Damon Runyon
  • Jan Karon Mitford Novels
  • Clive Cussler
  • Tom Clancy Novels
  • Harry Potter
  • The Works of Ernest Thompson Seton