12 March 2009

Over 200 New Looks at the Old Days

I've been away from Blogville for a while. I've been busy. As Autumn will testify, I occasionally have a spasm of scanning old photos into the computer, editing them, and then sending bunches of them out to those who might have interest in them. This bunch this past week included lots of portraits of my first wife, Shayne, of our 4 children, and of places we've lived and places we've visited since our marriage in 1975.

I found a few surprises in this stack of old photo prints. There were facial expressions I hadn't remembered, whole portraits I didn't recall seeing before, and pretty decent photos of old cars and lovely firearms that I'd not seen for a long while. Already, some of you who read this column have been the recipients of some of these pictures. Just in case I missed anybody, I'm going to include some of my favorites here tonight. They're pictures of people and things which are dear to me and which I want everyone to see and appreciate. That's sort of a typical human attitude, isn't it? We love some thing or some person, and we want the whole world to see how wonderful our beloved is. It doesn't always work, but we keep trying, don't we?

So here, in varying degrees of focus and glory, are some of my favorites from the more than 200 I put together several days ago.


Heidi said...

This is one of my favorite post of yours yet. It was so good to see all these pictures. I love the two of Shayne and then you on your old front porch all dressed up. She looks so beautiful and you look so handsome. I love you very much Jim, I am so glad you posted this.


Autumn said...

Thanks Dad, you know I never get tired of looking at our family pictures. Your recent work these past few months to get all of these photos(and many, many more!!) scanned for all of us to enjoy is one of the best gifts of my life. I love them that much, truly. I love you and want to thank you again and again for these. Te Amo, Babbo!

nanajohanna said...

Thank you, thank you, they are wonderful. Where was that house with the green trimmed roof? I don't recognize it.

Jocie said...

Like a gallery showing! Thanks for the memories, to coin a phrase.

James and Aimee said...

Oh, these are wonderful! So many beautiful and fun pictures! I'd love to see more!

My Favorite Books & Authors

  • Dale Brown
  • Mark Twain
  • Charles Dickens
  • Speeches both Historical and Hysterical
  • Damon Runyon
  • Jan Karon Mitford Novels
  • Clive Cussler
  • Tom Clancy Novels
  • Harry Potter
  • The Works of Ernest Thompson Seton