05 July 2010

Dear Mr. President,

I thought a lot of you last night. My wife and I watched the Fourth of July concert in DC and the fireworks afterwards. In that program alone I heard the words "God bless America" about 100 times.

Then we watched a very similar program from NYC. Again, patriotic and religious phrases were used over and over, almost as if the people had decided that you were wrong when you said that "we are not a Christian nation." It could be that you were wrong. Hundreds of thousands of people in both DC and New York were gleeful about every pro-American statement that was said or sung. And I didn't see a single arrogant person in the crowds.

Then came the annual Boston Pops concert and fireworks display. This year it was hosted by Craig Ferguson, a Scot who was proud as punch to keep his nightly audience apprised a couple of years ago about the progress he was making towards gaining American citizenship. I was watching the night he announced that he was finally a citizen. The studio full of pretty average Americans cheered themselves into a frenzy. I watched his face closely and I think I saw tears. But it was hard to tell through my own. You see, being an American is a precious privilege, especially for one who has struggled to get the title or to defend that nation.

Craig Ferguson mentioned at the beginning of the show last night that he was "here with about 900,000 of my closest personal friends" and was cheered mightily for that. Later in the show he could be seen clambering over folks to reach groups of soldiers so he could sing with them. The source of all this joy was a single thing. They were Americans; they had the rights of Americans; and those rights had not yet been taken away from them, despite the efforts of so many to do just that.

Sir, I believe the reason that you do not think like an American is because you are NOT an American. I think you are a sham and created lie. I think you are a manufactured entity who has been trained to make unfulfillable promises. The fact that you have a nice-looking family does not in any degree diminish the truth that you are an enemy of the state. You are undermining one or another of every part of the Bill of Rights with almost everything that you do or say. I am convinced that you actually believe that having your life protected by armed force is more important than any other citizen having the same right. I believe that you don't know the first thing about free enterprise. I believe that you are a trained fifth columnist who is leading us not just into Socialism but into actual dictatorial Communism, the same as we fought from 1945 until about 1991. (Not to mention our ongoing struggles with China and North Korea, etc.)

I'm seeing more and more African-Americans in the crowds of people protesting against your plans and policies. Perhaps they realize as do I that "Voting for a man because he is black is just as racist as not voting for him because he is black."

I have news for you. The Framers and the Founding Fathers were inspired in their great debates and great creative writings by Jesus Christ, himself. And the day is coming when you will kneel and humbly acknowledge the truth of this. Jesus Christ is the god of this land. It has always been a special land. He has made the same promise to every nation or people who have ever lived upon it. As long as they serve him and obey his commandments, he will fight their battles and prosper them. But, "when they are ripened in iniquity," He will sweep them off. It has already happened a couple of times. As long as you are in office, we are on the downward slope to rebellion and destruction.

James D. Haeberle

Chubbuck, Idaho

My Favorite Books & Authors

  • Dale Brown
  • Mark Twain
  • Charles Dickens
  • Speeches both Historical and Hysterical
  • Damon Runyon
  • Jan Karon Mitford Novels
  • Clive Cussler
  • Tom Clancy Novels
  • Harry Potter
  • The Works of Ernest Thompson Seton